Thursday, June 4, 2009

Old-fashioned? Perhaps.

Today was the first time I've mown a lawn in....years. The first time EVER I've used a push mower. And...I kind of liked it. Granted, my yard isn't ginormous like my last place, and I'm sure that having to pick up pinecones and sticks so I don't sever my fingers on the blades may get old, but sometimes old-fashioned isn't too bad.

The more I think about it, the more I begin to realize that I was probably meant to be around in the 1940s. Besides the whole push-mower thing...most of my hobbies were more fashionable then---sewing, knitting, decorating, baking, cooking, and reading (maybe...I might get into gardening. Go crazy, right?). I love the fashion---dresses, heels, stockings with a seam up the back, cat-eye glasses. And I even like the cars better. But then I think about the things I wouldn't have---my computer (most importantly) and my crazy workouts, as well as some other essential items that have surfaced since that time period.

In any case, over the past year I've gotten a lot more comfortable in my skin...old-fashioned and all.

On a side note, Riley is going to get one amazing birthday cake. A rocket ship. Amazing. Hope he likes it as much as he liked...just the frosting on the cupcakes we made last weekend. Hard to believe he turned 5 yesterday. Too think I started taking care of him when he was only 7 weeks old...and now he acts like a wise old man. My two little loves---Riley and Madison. If I ever have kids, I only hope they're as fun and well...incredible as those two.

And yay! Finally, "The Hangover" opens tomorrow. I have high expectations, so here's hoping that the best parts weren't what they've been showing on previews. I hate it when that happens---Strange Wilderness being the most obvious movie that comes to mind. Ugh. THAT was a whole lot of awful, as was Don't Mess with the Zohan. The shortest amount of time I've ever devoted to watching a movie. Ugh. Skip that hot mess.

Today was back day, and while I love not having as much cardio, I totally miss it. :( I just have to keep reminding myself that JP knows what he's doing. But ACK! Time on my hands....

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