Friday, August 6, 2010

Off Season starting now!

And by now I meant, yesterday....with a new eating plan that started Wednesday.

As much as I enjoyed the freedom to make my own choices about when and what and how much I was eating since the show on Saturday night, I crave routine and when I received my latest plan on Tuesday night, was relieved to have my first nutrition plan for my first off season in....two years.  That's right.  I've been in a caloric deficit for almost two years, and my body was desperate for time off and extra calories.  I'm excited to say that I'm enjoying fat free cottage cheese for the first time in over TWO YEARS!!!  Cinnamon and nutmeg sprinkled on it makes it taste like I'm cheating on my diet!  (I'm not...but it's a yummy dessert!)  Lots of chicken, flank steak, brown rice, egg whites...back to normal, or at least my idea of normal, now. 

I was thinking about it a few weeks ago, some of the foods that if not for the training, I'd probably never have tried...

-Cream of Rice
-Orange Roughy
-DRY oats
-Sweet potatoes and yams

Some foods I LOVE...
-Egg whites with cinnamon and nutmeg...puffed up like a pancake!
-Chicken!  Prepared so many ways....smoked on the bbq is the best, but oven baked is yummy too!
-Flank steak...need I say more?
-Cream of Rice with cinnamon?  And on a high carb day with honey....that (as my husband would say) is good business
-Optimum Nutrition 100% Whey, Gold Standard...Caramel Toffee Fudge is probably the best flavor, in my opinion...blended pre-workout and frozen, if you have it's like a protein frappuccino, minus the carbs and guilt!

In addition to taking an off season, I'm going to do either a half or full marathon.  I did my first half in 2007, and loved experiencing the runner's high at the end of the race....did I love what it did to my foot? Meh, not so much....but three years and investing in a better pair of running shoes should do the trick just fine.  The goal is the Rock N'Roll Half in San Antonio in November, and the Double Decker Challenge in Austin in December.  Praying for decent weather.... :)

I'll be posting more frequently on this hold myself accountable and to make this my most productive off season to date.  Well....yep.  To date.

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