Monday, June 1, 2009

Some of this and a little of that

My favorite diet coping mechanism---baking. Weird. I know. I've totally gotten into baking pies. Tonight was Coconut Custard Pie. It smells like candy and is currently taunting me from the refrigerator. Tomorrow it will be gone, and I'm sure I'll come up with something else to bake. Sigh. Only 19 more days until pizza. Mmmm...crust. Tomato sauce. My mouth is watering just thinking about it.

Currently reading both "The Redbreast" as well as "Love Will Keep Us Apart." What can I say? I like to multi-task. more than one book at a time.

Watched "Taken" last night and for some reason, got the giggles and instead of taking it seriously, decided that I could definitely have a future as a spy or PBA (professional bad ass). Sure it may take years of practice, and I get squeamish about...pretty much everything...but I can dream. Blood makes me queasy, I'm a sympathy puker, and I very nearly pass out if I go more than hours without eating now. Guess the bad ass part will have to come with time...or never.

New line I heard at the gym today---"Are you a trainer? Or do you just look good?" Sigh. Really? The BEST you can come up with? It was a wee bit too early to come back with something good, so I shook my head no and kept on with the abs.

I decided that my favorite weather circumstance is a hot day followed by an electrical storm and lots of wind admired from the safety of inside the house with candles nearby. Not that that happened yet this year, but the wind this evening reminded me of how much I like cool breeze after a warm day.

And thanks to Kaiser for the company and eating the waffles.

For tomorrow...shoulders, incline walking, interview, possibly golf, more reading, maybe some baking....and definitely some loving on the babies. All of them.

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